Uses of Class

Packages that use FeatureGeneratorAdapter This package contains classes for generating sequence features. 

Uses of FeatureGeneratorAdapter in

Subclasses of FeatureGeneratorAdapter in
 class AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator
          The AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator generates the context from the passed in additional context.
 class CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator
          The CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator uses character ngrams to generate features about each token.
 class DictionaryFeatureGenerator
          The DictionaryFeatureGenerator uses the DictionaryNameFinder to generated features for detected names based on the InSpanGenerator.
 class FastTokenClassFeatureGenerator
          Generates features for different for the class of the token.
 class InSpanGenerator
          Generates features if the tokens are recognized by the provided TokenNameFinder.
 class OutcomePriorFeatureGenerator
          The definition feature maps the underlying distribution of outcomes.
 class PrefixFeatureGenerator
 class SentenceFeatureGenerator
          This feature generator creates sentence begin and end features.
 class SuffixFeatureGenerator
 class TokenClassFeatureGenerator
          Generates features for different for the class of the token.
 class TokenFeatureGenerator
          Generates a feature which contains the token itself.
 class TokenPatternFeatureGenerator
          Partitions tokens into sub-tokens based on character classes and generates class features for each of the sub-tokens and combinations of those sub-tokens.

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