
Package related to part-of-speech tagging.


Interface Summary
POSContextGenerator The interface for a context generator for the POS Tagger.
POSTagger The interface for part of speech taggers.
TagDictionary Interface to determine which tags are valid for a particular word based on a tag dictionary.

Class Summary
DefaultPOSContextGenerator A context generator for the POS Tagger.
POSDictionary Provides a means of determining which tags are valid for a particular word based on a tag dictionary read from a file.
POSDictionaryWriter Deprecated.
POSEvaluator The POSEvaluator measures the performance of the given POSTagger with the provided reference POSSamplees.
POSEventCollector Deprecated.
POSEventGenerator Deprecated.
POSEventStream Deprecated.
POSModel The POSModel is the model used by a learnable POSTagger.
POSSample Represents an pos-tagged sentence.
POSSampleEventStream This class reads the POSSamples from the given Iterator and converts the POSSamples into Events which can be used by the maxent library for training.
POSTaggerME A part-of-speech tagger that uses maximum entropy.
POSTaggerTrainer Deprecated. Use POSTaggerME.train(String, ObjectStream,, POSDictionary, Dictionary, int, int) instead.
WordTagSampleStream A stream filter which reads a sentence per line which contains words and tags in word_tag format and outputs a POSSample objects.

Package Description

Package related to part-of-speech tagging.

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