Uses of Class

Packages that use Parse Package related to the modeling mentions for coreference resolution. Package containing common code for performing full syntactic parsing. Package containing code for performing full syntactic parsing using shift/reduce-style decisions. Package containing experimental code for performing full syntactic parsing using attachment decisions. 

Uses of Parse in

Methods in that return Parse
static Parse[] ParserTool.parseLine(String line, Parser parser, int numParses)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
protected  ParserModel CheckModelUpdaterTool.trainAndUpdate(ParserModel originalModel, ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples, BasicTrainingParameters parameters)
protected  ParserModel BuildModelUpdaterTool.trainAndUpdate(ParserModel originalModel, ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples, BasicTrainingParameters parameters)

Uses of Parse in

Methods in that return Parse
 Parse DefaultParse.getParse()
          Retrieves the Parse.

Constructors in with parameters of type Parse
DefaultParse(Parse parse, int sentenceNumber)
          Initializes the current instance.

Uses of Parse in

Fields in with type parameters of type Parse
protected  Heap<Parse> AbstractBottomUpParser.completeParses
          Completed parses.
protected  Heap<Parse> AbstractBottomUpParser.ndh
          Incomplete parses which have been advanced.
protected  Heap<Parse> AbstractBottomUpParser.odh
          Incomplete parses which will be advanced.

Methods in that return Parse
 Parse Parse.adjoin(Parse sister, HeadRules rules)
          Sister adjoins this node's last child and the specified sister node and returns their new parent node.
 Parse Parse.adjoinRoot(Parse node, HeadRules rules, int parseIndex)
protected  Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceChunks(Parse p, double minChunkScore)
          Returns the top chunk sequences for the specified parse.
protected abstract  Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceParses(Parse p, double probMass)
          Advances the specified parse and returns the an array advanced parses whose probability accounts for more than the specified amount of probability mass.
protected  Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceTags(Parse p)
          Advances the parse by assigning it POS tags and returns multiple tag sequences.
 Parse Parse.clone(Parse node)
          Clones the right frontier of parse up to the specified node.
 Parse Parse.cloneRoot(Parse node, int parseIndex)
          Clones the right frontier of this root parse up to and including the specified node.
static Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.collapsePunctuation(Parse[] chunks, Set<String> punctSet)
          Removes the punctuation from the specified set of chunks, adds it to the parses adjacent to the punctuation is specified, and returns a new array of parses with the punctuation removed.
 Parse[] Parse.getChildren()
          Returns the child constituents of this constituent .
 Parse Parse.getCommonParent(Parse node)
          Returns the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node.
 Parse Parse.getHead()
          Returns the head constituent associated with this constituent.
 Parse HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents, String type)
          Returns the head constituent for the specified constituents of the specified type.
static Parse[] ChunkSampleStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p)
static Parse[] AbstractParserEventStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p)
 Parse Parse.getParent()
          Returns the parent parse node of this constituent.
 Parse[] Parse.getTagNodes()
          Returns the parse nodes which are children of this node and which are pos tags.
 Parse Parser.parse(Parse tokens)
          Returns a parse for the specified parse of tokens.
 Parse AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens)
 Parse[] Parser.parse(Parse tokens, int numParses)
          Returns the specified number of parses or fewer for the specified tokens.
 Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens, int numParses)
static Parse Parse.parseParse(String parse)
          Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.
static Parse Parse.parseParse(String parse, GapLabeler gl)
          Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Parse
 Collection<Parse> Parse.getNextPunctuationSet()
          Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately after this parse.
 Collection<Parse> Parse.getPreviousPunctuationSet()
          Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately before this parse.

Methods in with parameters of type Parse
 void Parse.add(Parse daughter, HeadRules rules)
static void Parse.addNames(String tag, Span[] names, Parse[] tokens)
          Utility method to inserts named entities.
 void Parse.addNextPunctuation(Parse punct)
          Designates that the specified punctuation follows this parse.
protected abstract  void AbstractParserEventStream.addParseEvents(List<opennlp.model.Event> newEvents, Parse[] chunks)
          Produces all events for the specified sentence chunks and adds them to the specified list.
 void Parse.addPreviousPunctuation(Parse punct)
          Designates that the specified punctuation should is prior to this parse.
 Parse Parse.adjoin(Parse sister, HeadRules rules)
          Sister adjoins this node's last child and the specified sister node and returns their new parent node.
 Parse Parse.adjoinRoot(Parse node, HeadRules rules, int parseIndex)
protected  Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceChunks(Parse p, double minChunkScore)
          Returns the top chunk sequences for the specified parse.
protected abstract  Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceParses(Parse p, double probMass)
          Advances the specified parse and returns the an array advanced parses whose probability accounts for more than the specified amount of probability mass.
protected  Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceTags(Parse p)
          Advances the parse by assigning it POS tags and returns multiple tag sequences.
protected abstract  void AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceTop(Parse p)
          Adds the "TOP" node to the specified parse.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.checkcons(Parse p1, Parse p2, String type, List<String> features)
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.checkcons(Parse child, String i, String type, List<String> features)
          Produces features to determine whether the specified child node is part of a complete constituent of the specified type and adds those features to the specfied list.
 Parse Parse.clone(Parse node)
          Clones the right frontier of parse up to the specified node.
 Parse Parse.cloneRoot(Parse node, int parseIndex)
          Clones the right frontier of this root parse up to and including the specified node.
static Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.collapsePunctuation(Parse[] chunks, Set<String> punctSet)
          Removes the punctuation from the specified set of chunks, adds it to the parses adjacent to the punctuation is specified, and returns a new array of parses with the punctuation removed.
 int Parse.compareTo(Parse p)
protected  String AbstractContextGenerator.cons(Parse p, int i)
protected  String AbstractContextGenerator.consbo(Parse p, int i)
protected  Iterator<opennlp.model.Event> AbstractParserEventStream.createEvents(Parse sample)
 void Parse.expandTopNode(Parse root)
static void Parse.fixPossesives(Parse parse)
 Parse Parse.getCommonParent(Parse node)
          Returns the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.getFrontierNodes(List<Parse> rf, Parse[] nodes)
          Populates specified nodes array with left-most right frontier node with a unique head.
 Parse HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents, String type)
          Returns the head constituent for the specified constituents of the specified type.
static Parse[] ChunkSampleStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p)
static Parse[] AbstractParserEventStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p)
 int Parse.indexOf(Parse child)
          Returns the index of this specified child.
 void Parse.insert(Parse constituent)
          Inserts the specified constituent into this parse based on its text span.This method assumes that the specified constituent can be inserted into this parse.
protected  boolean AbstractParserEventStream.lastChild(Parse child, Parse parent)
          Returns true if the specified child is the last child of the specified parent.
protected  int AbstractBottomUpParser.mapParseIndex(int index, Parse[] nonPunctParses, Parse[] parses)
          Determines the mapping between the specified index into the specified parses without punctuation to the corresponding index into the specified parses.
protected  int AbstractBottomUpParser.mapParseIndex(int index, Parse[] nonPunctParses, Parse[] parses)
          Determines the mapping between the specified index into the specified parses without punctuation to the corresponding index into the specified parses.
 Parse Parser.parse(Parse tokens)
          Returns a parse for the specified parse of tokens.
 Parse AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens)
 Parse[] Parser.parse(Parse tokens, int numParses)
          Returns the specified number of parses or fewer for the specified tokens.
 Parse[] AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens, int numParses)
protected  String AbstractContextGenerator.production(Parse p, boolean includePunctuation)
          Generates a string representing the grammar rule production that the specified parse is starting.
static void Parse.pruneParse(Parse parse)
          Prune the specified sentence parse of vacuous productions.
protected  String AbstractContextGenerator.punct(Parse punct, int i)
          Creates punctuation feature for the specified punctuation at the specified index based on the punctuation mark.
protected  String AbstractContextGenerator.punctbo(Parse punct, int i)
          Creates punctuation feature for the specified punctuation at the specfied index based on the punctuation's tag.
 void Parse.setParent(Parse parent)
          Specifies the parent parse node for this constituent.
static void AbstractBottomUpParser.setParents(Parse p)
          Assigns parent references for the specified parse so that they are consistent with the children references.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.surround(Parse node, int i, String type, Collection<Parse> punctuation, List<String> features)
          Generates features for nodes surrounding a completed node of the specified type.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
static Dictionary AbstractBottomUpParser.buildDictionary(ObjectStream<Parse> data, HeadRules rules, int cutoff)
          Creates a n-gram dictionary from the specified data stream using the specified head rule and specified cut-off.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.cons2(List<String> features, Cons c0, Cons c1, Collection<Parse> punct1s, boolean bigram)
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.cons3(List<String> features, Cons c0, Cons c1, Cons c2, Collection<Parse> punct1s, Collection<Parse> punct2s, boolean trigram, boolean bigram1, boolean bigram2)
          Creates cons features involving the 3 specified nodes and adds them to the specified feature list.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.cons3(List<String> features, Cons c0, Cons c1, Cons c2, Collection<Parse> punct1s, Collection<Parse> punct2s, boolean trigram, boolean bigram1, boolean bigram2)
          Creates cons features involving the 3 specified nodes and adds them to the specified feature list.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.getFrontierNodes(List<Parse> rf, Parse[] nodes)
          Populates specified nodes array with left-most right frontier node with a unique head.
 void Parse.setNextPunctuation(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
          Sets the set of punctuation tags which follow this parse.
 void Parse.setPrevPunctuation(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
          Sets the set of punctuation tags which preceed this parse.
protected  void AbstractContextGenerator.surround(Parse node, int i, String type, Collection<Parse> punctuation, List<String> features)
          Generates features for nodes surrounding a completed node of the specified type.

Constructors in with parameters of type Parse
Parse(String text, Span span, String type, double p, Parse h)
          Creates a new parse node for this specified text and span of the specified type with the specified probability and the specified head and head index.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
AbstractParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d, HeadRules rules, ParserEventTypeEnum etype)
AbstractParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d, HeadRules rules, ParserEventTypeEnum etype, Dictionary dict)
ChunkSampleStream(ObjectStream<Parse> in)
PosSampleStream(ObjectStream<Parse> in)

Uses of Parse in

Methods in that return Parse
protected  Parse[] Parser.advanceParses(Parse p, double probMass)
static Parse[] ParserEventStream.reduceChunks(Parse[] chunks, int ci, Parse parent)

Methods in with parameters of type Parse
protected  void ParserEventStream.addParseEvents(List<opennlp.model.Event> parseEvents, Parse[] chunks)
          Adds events for parsing (post tagging and chunking to the specified list of events for the specified parse chunks.
protected  Parse[] Parser.advanceParses(Parse p, double probMass)
protected  void Parser.advanceTop(Parse p)
protected  boolean ParserEventStream.firstChild(Parse child, Parse parent)
          Returns true if the specified child is the first child of the specified parent.
 String[] BuildContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents, int index)
          Returns the predictive context used to determine how constituent at the specified index should be combined with other contisuents.
 String[] CheckContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents, String type, int start, int end)
          Returns predictive context for deciding whether the specified constituents between the specified start and end index can be combined to form a new constituent of the specified type.
static Parse[] ParserEventStream.reduceChunks(Parse[] chunks, int ci, Parse parent)
static Parse[] ParserEventStream.reduceChunks(Parse[] chunks, int ci, Parse parent)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
static ParserModel Parser.train(String languageCode, ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples, HeadRules rules, int iterations, int cut)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d, HeadRules rules, ParserEventTypeEnum etype)
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d, HeadRules rules, ParserEventTypeEnum etype, Dictionary dict)
          Create an event stream based on the specified data stream of the specified type using the specified head rules.

Uses of Parse in

Methods in that return Parse
 Parse HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents, String type)

Methods in with parameters of type Parse
 Parse HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents, String type)

Uses of Parse in

Methods in that return Parse
protected  Parse[] Parser.advanceChunks(Parse p, double minChunkScore)
protected  Parse[] Parser.advanceParses(Parse p, double probMass)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Parse
static List<Parse> Parser.getRightFrontier(Parse root, Set<String> punctSet)
          Returns the right frontier of the specified parse tree with nodes ordered from deepest to shallowest.

Methods in with parameters of type Parse
protected  void ParserEventStream.addParseEvents(List<opennlp.model.Event> parseEvents, Parse[] chunks)
protected  Parse[] Parser.advanceChunks(Parse p, double minChunkScore)
protected  Parse[] Parser.advanceParses(Parse p, double probMass)
protected  void Parser.advanceTop(Parse p)
 String[] BuildContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents, int index)
          Returns the contexts/features for the decision to build a new constituent for the specified parse at the specified index.
 String[] AttachContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents, int index, List<Parse> rightFrontier, int rfi)
 String[] CheckContextGenerator.getContext(Parse parent, Parse[] constituents, int index, boolean trimFrontier)
 String[] CheckContextGenerator.getContext(Parse parent, Parse[] constituents, int index, boolean trimFrontier)
static List<Parse> Parser.getRightFrontier(Parse root, Set<String> punctSet)
          Returns the right frontier of the specified parse tree with nodes ordered from deepest to shallowest.
protected  boolean ParserEventStream.lastChild(Parse child, Parse parent)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
 String[] AttachContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents, int index, List<Parse> rightFrontier, int rfi)
static ParserModel Parser.train(String languageCode, ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples, HeadRules rules, int iterations, int cut)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d, HeadRules rules, ParserEventTypeEnum etype)
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d, HeadRules rules, ParserEventTypeEnum etype, Dictionary dict)

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