Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkerMode Package related to performing coreference resolution. Package related to the processing of English data. 

Uses of LinkerMode in

Fields in declared as LinkerMode
protected  LinkerMode AbstractLinker.mode
          The mode in which this linker is running.

Methods in that return LinkerMode
static LinkerMode LinkerMode.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static LinkerMode[] LinkerMode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type LinkerMode
protected  void DefaultLinker.initResolvers(LinkerMode mode, double fixedNonReferentialProbability)
          Initializes the resolvers used by this linker.

Constructors in with parameters of type LinkerMode
AbstractLinker(String project, LinkerMode mode)
          Creates a new linker using the models in the specified project directory and using the specified mode.
AbstractLinker(String project, LinkerMode mode, boolean useDiscourseModel)
          Creates a new linker using the models in the specified project directory, using the specified mode, and combining coreferent entities based on the specified value.
DefaultLinker(String modelDirectory, LinkerMode mode)
          Creates a new linker with the specified model directory, running in the specified mode.
DefaultLinker(String modelDirectory, LinkerMode mode, boolean useDiscourseModel)
          Creates a new linker with the specified model directory, running in the specified mode which uses a discourse model based on the specified parameter.
DefaultLinker(String modelDirectory, LinkerMode mode, boolean useDiscourseModel, double fixedNonReferentialProbability)
          Creates a new linker with the specified model directory, running in the specified mode which uses a discourse model based on the specified parameter and uses the specified fixed non-referential probability.

Uses of LinkerMode in

Constructors in with parameters of type LinkerMode
TreebankLinker(String project, LinkerMode mode)
TreebankLinker(String project, LinkerMode mode, boolean useDiscourseModel)
TreebankLinker(String project, LinkerMode mode, boolean useDiscourseModel, double fixedNonReferentialProbability)

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