Uses of Interface

Packages that use Parse Package related to the modeling mentions for coreference resolution. Package related to resolution techniques for coreference resolution. Package related to the modeling mention similarity for coreference resolution. 

Uses of Parse in

Classes in that implement Parse
 class AbstractParse
          Provides default implemenation of many of the methods in the Parse interface.
 class DefaultParse
          This class is a wrapper for Parse mapping it to the API specified in Parse.

Fields in declared as Parse
protected  Parse Mention.parse
          The parse node that this extent is based on.

Methods in that return Parse
 Parse MentionContext.getFirstToken()
          Returns the parse for the first token in this mention.
 Parse MentionContext.getHead()
 Parse PTBHeadFinder.getHead(Parse p)
 Parse HeadFinder.getHead(Parse parse)
          Returns the child parse which contains the lexical head of the specified parse.
 Parse PTBHeadFinder.getHeadToken(Parse p)
 Parse HeadFinder.getHeadToken(Parse np)
          Returns head token for the specified np parse.
 Parse MentionContext.getHeadTokenParse()
          Returns the parse of the head token for this mention.
 Parse PTBHeadFinder.getLastHead(Parse p)
          Returns the bottom-most head of a Parse.
 Parse HeadFinder.getLastHead(Parse p)
          Returns the parse bottom-most head of a Parse.
 Parse Parse.getNextToken()
          Returns the next token which is not a child of this parse.
 Parse MentionContext.getNextToken()
 Parse DefaultParse.getNextToken()
 Parse MentionContext.getNextTokenBasal()
 Parse Parse.getParent()
          Returns the parent parse of this parse node.
 Parse DefaultParse.getParent()
 Parse Mention.getParse()
          Returns the parse node that this extent is based on.
 Parse Parse.getPreviousToken()
          Returns the first token which is not a child of this parse.
 Parse MentionContext.getPreviousToken()
 Parse DefaultParse.getPreviousToken()
 Parse[] MentionContext.getTokenParses()
          Returns the parses for the tokens which are contained in this mention.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Parse
protected  Map<Parse,Parse> AbstractMentionFinder.constructHeadMap(List<Parse> nps)
          Assigns head relations between noun phrases and the child np which is their head.
protected  Map<Parse,Parse> AbstractMentionFinder.constructHeadMap(List<Parse> nps)
          Assigns head relations between noun phrases and the child np which is their head.
 List<Parse> Parse.getChildren()
          Returns a list of the children to this object.
 List<Parse> DefaultParse.getChildren()
 List<Parse> Parse.getNamedEntities()
          Returns a list of all the named entities contained by this parse.
 List<Parse> DefaultParse.getNamedEntities()
 List<Parse> AbstractMentionFinder.getNamedEntities(Parse p)
          Return all noun phrases which are contained by p.
 List<Parse> Parse.getNounPhrases()
          Returns a list of the all noun phrases contained by this parse.
 List<Parse> AbstractParse.getNounPhrases()
 List<Parse> Parse.getSyntacticChildren()
          Returns a list of the children to this object which are constituents or tokens.
 List<Parse> DefaultParse.getSyntacticChildren()
 List<Parse> Parse.getTokens()
          Returns a list of the tokens contained by this object.
 List<Parse> DefaultParse.getTokens()

Methods in with parameters of type Parse
 int DefaultParse.compareTo(Parse p)
 Parse PTBHeadFinder.getHead(Parse p)
 Parse HeadFinder.getHead(Parse parse)
          Returns the child parse which contains the lexical head of the specified parse.
 int PTBHeadFinder.getHeadIndex(Parse p)
 int HeadFinder.getHeadIndex(Parse parse)
          Returns which index the specified list of token is the head word.
 Parse PTBHeadFinder.getHeadToken(Parse p)
 Parse HeadFinder.getHeadToken(Parse np)
          Returns head token for the specified np parse.
 Parse PTBHeadFinder.getLastHead(Parse p)
          Returns the bottom-most head of a Parse.
 Parse HeadFinder.getLastHead(Parse p)
          Returns the parse bottom-most head of a Parse.
 Mention[] MentionFinder.getMentions(Parse parse)
          Returns an array of mentions.
 Mention[] AbstractMentionFinder.getMentions(Parse p)
 List<Parse> AbstractMentionFinder.getNamedEntities(Parse p)
          Return all noun phrases which are contained by p.
protected  boolean AbstractMentionFinder.isBasalNounPhrase(Parse np)
protected  boolean AbstractMentionFinder.isConjoinedBasal(Parse np)
protected  boolean AbstractMentionFinder.isOfPrepPhrase(Parse np)
protected  boolean AbstractMentionFinder.isPossessive(Parse np)
 void Mention.setParse(Parse parse)
          Specifies the parse for this mention.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Parse
protected  Map<Parse,Parse> AbstractMentionFinder.constructHeadMap(List<Parse> nps)
          Assigns head relations between noun phrases and the child np which is their head.

Constructors in with parameters of type Parse
Mention(Span span, Span headSpan, int entityId, Parse parse, String extentType)
Mention(Span span, Span headSpan, int entityId, Parse parse, String extentType, String nameType)
MentionContext(Span span, Span headSpan, int entityId, Parse parse, String extentType, String nameType, int mentionIndex, int mentionsInSentence, int mentionIndexInDocument, int sentenceIndex, HeadFinder headFinder)

Uses of Parse in

Methods in that return Parse
protected  Parse AbstractResolver.getHead(MentionContext mention)
          Returns the head parse for the specified mention.

Methods in with parameters of type Parse
static Set<String> ResolverUtils.constructModifierSet(Parse[] tokens, int headIndex)
static List<String> ResolverUtils.getWordFeatures(Parse token)
          Returns a list of word features for the specified tokens.

Uses of Parse in

Constructors in with parameters of type Parse
Context(Span span, Span headSpan, int entityId, Parse parse, String extentType, String nameType, HeadFinder headFinder)

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